The Plastic cap is too common and too cheap, so after opening it without winning a prize, it will be thrown away. Few pe
Plastic cap market development analysis found that with the wide application of plastic bottle packaging in these fields
Plastic cap market development analysis found that with the wide application of plastic bottle packaging in these fields
The Plastic cap is a very commonly used item in our daily life and work, especially the cosmetic bottles and skincare b
We all know that there are injection molding processes and compression molding processes in the manufacture of plastic c
PETG sheet has outstanding toughness and high impact strength. Its impact strength is 3-10 times that of changed polyacr
Software is an essential driver for the digitalization of societies and industries. It brings the physical and virtual worlds together. Building technology, energy infrastructures or products are planned, developed and thoroughly tested in the virtual sphere before a …
This 4 oz Amber Basic Jar is made of PET plastic. Use this plastic amber jar to package a variety of cosmetics including body butters, creams, hair gel and more. The amber color is great for light-sensitive product. Jar Height: 2.25". Top Requirement: 58/400. Best Shrink Wrap Size: 95x55. Made in the U.S.A.
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